Different Insurance Policies in The United Arab Emirates
- Marine Insurance
- Property Insurance
- Jewelry Insurance
- Exchange & Financial House Insurance
- Engineering Insurance
- Personal Insurance
- Employee Insurance
- Underwriting Services
- Re-Insurance Services
GIP is not just a website that provides insurance information. It has a commitment to provide better insurance providers worldwide to its subscribers and readers.

Is GIP a cheap insurance solution provider?
The answer follows after these few questions: Is your life the cheapest in the area or world? Are your properties the cheapest ones? Is it the lowest replacement cost you need in case of a loss of an insured item? At last, do you deserve a pair of deaf ears and blind eyes when you make an insurance claim?
All the answers will be a big ‘no’. We too have a related answer. We are not here to provide the cheapest but THE BEST AND VALUE FOR MONEY policies to you.
What do we do in insurance policies and premiums?
We provide you with the world’s best service providers in the region for covering your valuables. It is not the cheapest – but the most appropriate to you.
What all Insurance services does GIP provide?
Different Insurance Policies
Marine Insurance Solutions:
In the Marine related insurance facilities, the following are the areas we provide services:
- Hull and Machinery
- Demolition Voyages H&M/P&I
- Dhows/Launches H&M
- Yachts/Pleasure craft
- Cargo
- Marine Equipment
- Ship Repairers Liability
- Port Operators Liability
- Marine CGL
- Builders Risk
- Offshore Construction
- Marine Energy
- P&I
- Charterers Liability
- P&I Port Risks schemes

Exchange and Financial House Insurances:
One of the most sensitive offices in the money-related areas are Exchange houses and financial institutions where daily cash transactions and other valuable transactions are of high volume. Suitable insurance products are required to meet with possible losses related to any eventualities that may hiccup the smooth running of the firm. Even though the mishaps are unlikely or very rare, it is a possibility. One needs to be prepared with appropriate insurance coverage in their field. In this category of insurance, the following are the segments we extend insurance facility:
- Bankers Blanket Bond
- Computer Crime
- Bankers Professional Indemnity
- Stockbrokers Indemnity
- Securities and Futures Industry Indemnity
- Commercial Crime
- Plastic Card
- Armoured Car Security Companies

Jewelry & Precious Metal Block:
Precious metal and jewelry are a few of the top-ranking high-value products in the world. Naturally, it is because of its scarcity and price factor. Losing them due to any reason will be a high-value loss. At all times, recovering the lost items is not practical. What is practical is replacement and refurbishment – which costs a lot. Insurance in this case would be very much helpful for the owner. What it takes to insure will be a minimal percentage of its value for a year. But the peace of mind it gives is priceless. We do assist our subscribers and readers to find a better policy, better premium, best serving company in this regard.

Property / Casualty Insurance:
In a dynamic business world, both personal and business assets are to be protected for the smooth functioning of both personal life and commercial existence. Even though many things are irreplaceable with the same thing, insurance coverage reduces the impact or even wipes out the damage in crucial situations.

For this to happen, people and businesses will require expert advice and evaluation of assets, liabilities, and situations. At GIP, we arrange all of these for the subscribers and make them feel like ‘nothing to worry about when with GIP. Under property / Casualty Insurance, we have the following categories in detail:
- Property
- Business Interruption
- Money / Fidelity
- Workmen’s Compensation
- Employers Liability
- Group Travel/Accident
- Professional Indemnity
- Political Risks
- General Liability
- Businessmen Liability
- Public and Products Liability
Engineering Insurance:
In a country like UAE, the most focused businesses are in the field of Oil exploration and Engineering segment. Other Construction related and infrastructures development projects like Power stations, Roads, Bridges, and structures also have a prime focus. Keeping these investments under the re-insurance umbrella is a vital part that to be taken care all times. At GIP, we arrange these insurance portions done with perfect evaluation and insurance value for a better claim at all times. Our subscribers are provided with maximum protection options always. In the Engineering segment, we do suggest insurance options in the following segments:
- Contractors All Risks
- Erection All Risks
- Plant and Equipment
- Electronic Equipment/Computer All Risks
- Machinery Breakdown
- Decennial Liability

Employee Benefits Insurance:
In a fast-developing country like UAE, where companies are treating their staff and workers as their assets, the benefits to them also need to be taken care of on a priority basis. Eventualities are a common thing at workplaces. Health care and accident cares are a must for each and every resident of the country. Medical insurance, life insurance, and repatriation cost and insurances are also mandatory for every organization. At GIP, we help each employer to find a better coverage solution in the following sectors:
- Group Health
- Group Life
- Group Personal Accident/illness
- Small Groups Medical Expenses
- Individual Medical Expenses
- Kidnap and Ransom
- Health Maintenance Organization Schemes

Reinsurance Provisions:
GIP also provides solutions for re-insurance situations where, insured products are related to financial houses, jewelers, professionals, etc.

Underwriting Solutions:
GIP also intervenes in Marine risks underwriting, and Jewelers risk underwriting solutions to its customers with a professional approach. The facilities are linked to the world’s leading ‘Original Insurers’.
Different Insurance Policies