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 6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Pet Insurance in the UAE

6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Pet Insurance in the UAE

Pet insurance is now becoming more common in the UAE, but many people are still confused about how it works. This blog post goes through all the benefits of pet insurance and the best companies to use.

Pet Insurance in UAE

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a type of insurance that will allow you to pay for the medical expenses when your pet becomes sick or injured. Pet health care in the UAE can be quite expensive often costing more than US$2500 per year. With pet insurance, pets will typically only cost around US$10-$15 (depending on policy terms) per month which is a small price to pay to avoid astronomical vet bills.

Why is it important to have pet insurance in the UAE?

Pet insurance can be expensive, but it’s worth the investment. The UAE has strict animal import and export laws so what you might think is a “normal” pet can actually be an illegal one.  Even if your pet is legal, there’s still a chance that he or she will fall ill and require treatment – which can cost thousands of dollars. Pet insurance will cover those expenses as well as other mishaps that could occur while traveling or at home.

Need for Pet Insurance in UAE

Who can get pet insurance in the UAE?

Pet insurance is great protection for any pet owner and will typically cover costs such as accidental injury, surgery, and even death. It’s also important to note that it doesn’t just cover cats and dogs; you can get policies for ferrets, rabbits, fish, reptiles, birds, turtles, camels, and more.

Who Can Get Pet Insurance In UAE

What conditions are covered by pet insurance in the UAE?

Not all conditions are covered by pet insurance in the UAE.  In general, the most common conditions that are covered are available for ongoing treatment. This includes hip dysplasia, rabies, chronic ear infections, and diabetes. The cost of repairing or replacing a pet’s broken leg or teeth. That can be very expensive depending on the vet clinic, medicines, and the treatment.

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